Since late 1990�s in the first world was proposed a new mission for the public universities\nbeyond the teaching and research and development (R&D); their conversion as agents for\neconomic development through the knowledge transferred to other society organizations. More\nthan twenty years have passed and now we can see that in practice achieving this has been very\ndifficult for public universities of developing countries. In the case of the Mexican Centre\npresented, it is shown that public University have historically established strong links with\nother public governmental organizations and that the technology and the knowledge products\ndelivered through the years, have had important social impact but no economical. Therefore,\nwe propose that an important factor is that university R&D entities must develop stronger links\nwith both, private companies and public organizations. Case shows that this phenomenon not\nonly depends on the linking system performance, but also of the lack of the innovation culture\namong domestic entrepreneurs. The conclusion is that today's role of the public university in\nMexico is the generation and knowledge transference for the social welfare and that it is required create new ways to establish relationships with other economic actors in the Mexican\ninnovation system, in order to promote the growth of the country's economy.